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Purple Flower


“An amazing teacher. Have found your classes so enjoyable. Makes a huge difference to my day!”
Sue C


“Thank you Karina. I always feel great after a session with you. Your delivery is brilliant.”
Denise C

“Karina’s approach to sharing and teaching yoga encompasses care, intuition and holistic practices.
Her understanding of the diverse needs within her classes allows people to feel safe in practicing yoga and in personalising our experience. Karina, I am so grateful for you and the gifts you share –mind, body and spirit. Mauri ora.”
Liz T

“Karina’s yoga classes are a joy to attend, they are thoughtfully planned and delivered in a
consistently gentle manner. Karina gives us a framework in which we can improve our balance, strength, posture and inner peace. A perfect antidote to this crazy, busy world. Thank you Karina.”
Laura G

“Karina is a beautiful person whose gentle inclusive style of teaching makes you feel comfortable at whatever level you are at. Her emphasis on mindfulness and feeling makes her yoga class a spiritual practice rather than a purely physical one.”
Krystal L

“A great, friendly class where you are encouraged to go at your own pace and do what feels right for you.”
Helen J


“The physical side of Karina’s classes are based on the Hatha style. They are aligned with the modern approach of being inclusive for all. Options are given for both beginners and the more experienced pupils. Karina’s classes include a dash of Yoga Philosophy, going beyond just the EightLimbs and deeper into Patanjali’s Yoga Sutra’s and other classical Yoga texts. I cannot recommend her classes enough; they enrich both your body and your mind.”

Wayne K

“Karina’s classes offer the perfect balance between spiritual and kinesthetic instruction. Karina encourages inclusiveness and non- competitiveness. The classes are well structured but never predictable.”
Bob W

“I have been doing Chair Yoga about 5 years and have found it relaxing and helpful. My coordination was way off and that is getting a lot better. Karina is a brilliant teacher and she tells us to listen to our bodies and do what we can.”
Ngaire M


“Karina’s yoga leaves you feeling good about yourself, full of positivity and she encourages you to ‘do your yoga’ 10/10.”

Corrinne O










Pregnancy Yoga Testimonials

Pregnancy Yoga Testimonials

“Karina, I was so pleased to stumble upon you whilst looking for something to do for myself duringpregnancy. You were so supportive and understanding of our ever changing bodies. Yoga classbecame something to really look forward to each week. Karina taught us many breathing techniques and different stretches that could easily be replicated at home. I found myself using many of her tools throughout labour. Now that we are in the postpartum period, the yoga classes have taken on the same meaning, something to look forward to as ‘me’ time as well as enjoying the mums and bubs classes where everyone is welcome. Karina is non-judgemental, friendly and just totally gets what it’s like to be a mum. I have so many nice things to say about you, absolutely love who you are and the work you so. I just wish more people knew about you!”
Rachael B


“Pregnancy Yoga with Karina is the ultimate form of self care. Her kind, nurturing and mindful approach along with offering bolsters and cushions positioned on your behalf for comfort, meantthat you leave the class feeling like you’ve had a big warm hug – a must for any expectant mum.”
Sam L



Karina Gough - Flow Yoga

© 2024 by Emsiewoo Studio

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